
January 2, 2015

Reduce Food Waste: Use Your Freezer!

I think we are all guilty of wasting food, which is a shame.  I hate waste, but I get busy or lazy, or just make bad decisions (*cough* fast food *cough*).  For the first food post of the new year, I want to encourage everyone, myself included, to make an effort to be more conscientious of the amount of food waste that they are creating.  One of the things that I have done to reduce waste is to make better use of my freezer.

For example, when I buy bags of mixed peppers I chop all of the peppers and then freeze the majority.  I can then pull them out of the freezer and thrown them into a stir fry, fajitas, or a sauce.  None of the produce goes to waste, and I have vegetables ready to thrown into meals.  It is a win-win situation.

Freezer-ready bags of peppers.  Yum!!

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